Insure Corp Brokers is a Juristic Representative of Lionel Isaacs Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd with FSP number 13343

Fidelity Guarantee

Home » Products & Services » Fidelity Guarantee
506, 5th Floor, The Equinox, Milton Road, Sea Point, 8005

    Companies most often seek fidelity guarantee insurance where employees are more likely to cause financial loss because of their constant exposure to cash, stocks or other assets. The cover provided includes reimbursement for loss resulting from fraud, dishonesty, loss of property, loss of loans and trading as a result of improper financial gain. Theft of property by computer fraud and the theft of funds from the insured’s transfer account at a financial institution are also indemnified. The potential losses that could arise from fidelity, especially with the increase in cyber crime, means that fidelity guarantee insurance is a necessary and appropriate risk management tool in your business.

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    Disclosure    Insure Corp Brokers is a Juristic Representative of Lionel Isaacs & Company with FSP number 13343